
Showing posts from July, 2023

Solo Travel - A journey you take for yourself.

Welcome back to my blog,   Hopefully by now you know that I go by the name Drunkwriter21 on all my social media handles, while it suggests that I write drunk, that's absolutely not the case. I am a blunt person who speaks what's on her mind and for the longest time I felt like I had lost my voice, and when I started to travel solo, I felt like I found my voice again.  I started my journey in 2019, and then COVID-19 hit, and all travel stopped in 2020, but my heart was forever lost in the mighty Himalayas, and I knew I had to go back sooner or later to find it, little did I know, I would lose myself completely in Himalayas and there would be no turning back.  Solo travel empowers you in ways which can't be described in a single blog, which is why I have decided to write as much as I can before I can't anymore.  Initially solo travelling for me started as a way to escape reality and the everyday life problems that I was suffering from, eventually, with every trip I took,

Namaste Readers!

  Hi everyone! I am Simran Bagga, I am a mental health counsellor, but I am also a traveler, tattoos and fitness addict .  I am going to use this space to talk about all these things and most importantly how travel has changed my life for the better and how it helped me with my mental health. I will also be posting about how you can take better care of your mental health and well-being.  Looking forward to posting and learning! -Simran, aka Drunkwriter21  Follow me on instagram!