Hostels or hotels? Solo travel and the dilemmas that come with it.

 Hello readers!

So, the one question that people always tend to ask me is, why I choose to stay in hostels rather than choosing a hotel?

Well, hostel culture and the vibe that comes with it, is something that I chase on a regular basis. Not only do you find different people, but you also learn so much about their cultures, lifestyles, and so much more. The one great thing about staying at hostels is that you learn how to be more responsible. Whether you stay in dorms or take a private room, you'll always be alert and always have your guard up because you took a journey alone and are willing to prove to everyone but most importantly yourself that you can do it. It's the smallest things that change your day-to-day life scenarios.

On the other hand, hotels are places which offer more comfort, room service, breakfast in bed chill scenes, but that comes with a hefty price. Anyone who is willing to spend money like that should opt for a hotel but for me, budget and meeting likeminded people are very important which is why hostels are always my priority. If it's possible, I would also stay in a homestay and eat the local food cooked by the people of the village/city/town that I am visiting because that's how you know and learn about the cultures, that's how you stay grounded. Atleast that's how I try to stay grounded. 

I travel so far, and I get to understand how my problems that feel like mountains, are basically just a phase that will go away on their own and sometimes with a little push from my side and life won't be as tough as it seems. For me it's always homestays/hostels over hotels. 


  1. Hostels over hotels, any day !!

  2. Homestay>>>>hostels>>>hotels. Just go out there n enjoy every bit of the place.


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